February 6 2025
Have a look at the new Cultivate Kindness die cut sticker, coming to the shop February 18!
February 3 2025
I'm excited to share that my Five Senses collage series will soon be available exclusively at
The Papery as blank note cards! Shop in person, support a local business
and a local artist!
January 22 2025
The new Fruit Stack bookmark has arrived! The perfect accessory for your current winter read (I highly recommend a mug of tea on the side, too).
January 15 2025
It's here! The Love Birds note card is now available in the shop. Limited quantities, though, so order soon if you'd like it for Valentine's Day!
January 13 2025
Coming soon to the shop—the Fruit Stack Bookmark! Quite a few people asked me about bookmarks at the shows during the holidays, so I definitely needed to add one! Available January 27 2025.
January 6 2025
Just a little note that I've done a bit of reorganizing in the shop—you can now find all the postcards in one section, rather than scattered throughout the site. Happy shopping! :)
January 3 2025
And we're back! Happy 2025, all. Get 25% off your purchase this month with checkout code NEW25, January 3 to 31 2025. Use as often as you like!
December 30 2024
Some news odds and ends. First, the January 2025 subscriber newsletter has gone out! Let me know if you didn't receive it yet. If you're not yet a subscriber, head over to the Contact page and send me an email!
I've had to raise the shipping fees a little for 2025. The rate for shipping to Canada and the US is now $6.00, up from $5.00, while the international rate is now $10.00, up from $8.00. This is still a bit less than what I actually pay for shipping, but hopefully I can balance keeping things affordable for you and still cover most of my actual mailing costs. Thanks so much for understanding! Product prices will stay the same as before. :)
And I'm gearing up for the shop reopen on Friday, after being closed since November 15 due to the postal strike. Looking forward to seeing you there!
December 18 2024
Hi all. Please note that the shop has closed for the holidays a little earlier this year, due to the Canada Post strike. I haven't been able to ship orders since the strike began on November 15 2024, and though the strike is now over as of December 17, I've decided to remain closed until January 3 2025. Canada Post has estimated it will take one to two months to be running normally again, and the huge backlog of mail currently waiting to be processed at Canada Post plants—plus the avalanche of holiday mail now being dropped off—means anything I ship out now will likely not reach its destination until after January 1 (if not later). I would rather hold off on shipping until things are calmer, and have less chance of sitting in a mail processing plant for ages!
In the meantime, I hope that you and your loved ones have a warm and happy holiday—and I'm looking forward to sharing new things with you in 2025! Thanks so much again for your support this year. I so appreciate you all—it really does mean the world to me!
Update: Canada Post workers are now back at work as of December 17 2024, after a month-long strike. They have indicated that they will require 48 hours to get things up and running again, and new mail or parcels will not be accepted until Thursday, December 19 2024. It's estimated that it will be up to two months before the flow of mail is back to normal, due to both the strike and the time of year it occurred.
Hi all. On Friday, November 15 2024, 12:01 ET, the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) went on strike. I will be closely following the updates from Canada Post about this situation, and will in turn update you here as it progresses.
Here's what Canada Post said to expect while the strike is on:
- mail and parcels will not be processed or delivered for the duration of the national strike, and some post offices will be closed
- service cannot be guaranteed for items already in the postal network
- no new items will be accepted until the strike is over
- once service resumes, processing and delivery of mail may take some time to return to normal
I will continue to take your orders here, but as you can see I cannot guarantee when they will ship—rest assured I will mail orders out as soon as I can. In the meantime, thanks so much for your understanding while we wait this out!
If you're in Ottawa, I will be at two craft shows where you can buy directly from me:
Holiyay Craft Show - National Arts Centre, Sunday November 17, 11 am - 5 pm
Idle Hands Art, Craft and Vintage Sale - AllSaints Event Space, Sunday December 1, 10 am - 5 pm
Hey Ottawa!
The Papery just stocked up on a selection of my birthday cards, occasion cards, blank cards and holiday cards—plus they already carry my postcards! Shop soon, though, as they do sell out fast!
Huge thanks to everyone who attended Idle Hands Art, Craft and Vintage Sale yesterday—thanks to you, I had my best show ever! And special thanks to Jenn Stone for organizing it all and making the magic happen.
Ottawa! I'll be at the Idle Hands Art, Craft and Vintage Sale at AllSaints Event Space this Sunday, December 1, 2024—come say hi!
Thanks so much to everyone who stopped by my table on November 17 at the Holiyay Craft Show, over at the National Arts Centre! It was so lovely to meet you all!
I'm excited to once again be in the Idle Hands Art, Craft and Vintage Sale on Sunday, December 1 at the AllSaints Event Space, 10 to 5. It's the 15th year of this fantastic show—come say hi!
(lovely show poster design by Regreta Brown)
I'm looking forward to once again being in the wonderful Holiyay Craft Market at the National Arts Centre! This year it's on Sunday, November 17th, 11 to 5. Hope to see you there!
I’m very excited to be in issue 63 (October-November-December 2024) of Uppercase magazine! That’s me on the left hand side of the page, part of a feature on independent stationery designers in Canada, the US and Europe.
Are you looking to order a large number of holiday cards for your company? Drop me a line! I’m now offering special orders for corporate clients. Minimum order is 50 cards—and includes your own personal company message inside at no extra charge! Order deadline is November 29 2024.
Thrilled to share that I have an exclusive line of blank notecards at The Papery! I don’t even carry these in my online shop, so head over soon before they’re gone (posting this September 26 2024)!
I will a vendor again at the legendary Idle Hands Art, Craft and Vintage Sale! This year it’s on December 1 2024, at the AllSaints Event Space. Hope to see you there!

I am thrilled to share that Lori Langille Studio will be one of the independent stationery shops featured in the next issue of Uppercase magazine, out in October 2024!
Uppercase magazine is a stunning subscription-only quarterly, described (to quote their website) as “…for the creative and curious inspired by craft, design, typography and illustration.” A wonderful read and Canadian, too!
Head over to uppercasemagazine.com to get a subscription to this beautiful publication.
Cover stationery by shopparcel.com

Little soft launch today on Instagram for my studio shop newsletter! If you’re interested, send me a message here (via the Contact page) and I’ll add you to the list (which is, of course, private, stays with me and is used only for the newsletter)

NEW in the shop, just in time for summer! The Eel Maid square postcard. The alternative mermaid :)

I’m now offering a selection of my watercolour drawings and hand made collages for sale here—check back often to see what’s new! Each of these works is one of a kind, done on archival, gallery quality hot press watercolour paper. Find them listed under Original Art.

The 2023 holiday season is looking to be another busy one! You can find me at the following shows:
Idle Hands Art, Craft and Vintage Sale (November 26)
2023 Virtual Holiday Edition of the Toronto Stationery Show (November 26 - December 9)

Huge thanks to everyone who visited my table at the Spring Market at the NAC on May 7 2023! You made my day 🥰
Very happy to get a copy of the gorgeous March/April 2023 issue of Western Living magazine! It includes my collage illustration for a piece on the favourite store-bought condiments of professional chefs

Thrilled to share that I’m in the latest issue of Ottawa Magazine—the Interiors 2023 edition, out mid-February 2023! That’s my collage in the top right corner of the very inspiring Random Desires spread. Thanks so much again to Sarah Brown for inviting me to be a part of this